Our conference room displays are a simple tool that allow you to gain control of your office. Complete with analytics and insights that uncover usage and help optimize space.
Request a Demo Call 1-888-979-4552Just the tool we needed to manage our quick growth and save valuable time.”
Sana from Sysco
"We didn't have an effecient way to quantify peak times per room or which of the office space types were being used most often. With Gomeco, we do.”
Shahbaz from iDroid USA
This room wins for most active last week.
Suggest it to colleagues.
This room has low capacity usage.
Make sure big teams know about it.
189% increase in meetings here.
Find out what changed.
People aren't showing up.
Automatically remove abandoned meetings.
"We were just trying a pilot, but the support made onboarding so seemless that before we knew it Gomeco was an essential part of our workflow.”
Hamid from T C Sin & Associates
Ready to get started? Request a Demo or give us a call and we'll walk you through it.
Request a Demo Call 1-888-979-4552